Monday, April 6, 2015

Dead Man's Party

The song played during Anorak's Invitation.  1985 - Oingo Boingo -MCA Records

Halliday had 2 quarters over his eyes, dated 1984.
The lyrics say: "Shiney silver dollar on either eye"

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


The VJs, and the content of this TV show was pretty cool.  Aech and I were streaming on a side window last week. Jenny Mccarthy made my think about it, I'll have to think on researching this further.  Maybe a marathon. 

Jenny 867-5309

Was listening to the 80 ' s feed.  Is there anything else anymore? Tommy TuTone's 867-5309 Jenny came on,  I'm wondering about connections.  
The songwriter said there wasn't any,  In 2008 lead singer Tommy Heath said it belonged to a girl he knew.

I'm sure I'll come up with more Jennys.

Rubik's Cube

"The Magic Cube".  Invented in 1974 by Erno Rubik. Produced by Ideal Toy Co.  Sold in 1980. Tibor Laczi, Tom Kramer of Seven Towns.  Won German Game of the Year award.  1981
Worked that thing all morning.  Found it in Aech's room.  Fairly certain it's a waste of time,  but I will check into some ways to manipulate an Easter Egg out of it.
I got color pencils out of Frank's room. He left a bunch of trash in her room when he left.  I think they belonged to that girl who came around last year. This was the only thing I thought shouldn't go down the chute.  I've never even seen her draw ANYTHING!
It's yellow,  blue,  orange,  THEN green.  If ya push the green,  it goes to hell. 

Front of my book

Amazingly, the school handed out actual Composition Books this year!  It was a miracle I scored two!  So much better than the yellow pads they gave us for the past 2 years.  I'm gonna put some of my Gunter thoughts down,  just in case something happens to my computer.